Henry and Amy : Right Way Round and Upside Down - Stephen Michael King

Henry and Amy

Right Way Round and Upside Down

By: Stephen Michael King

Paperback | 1 March 2000 | Edition Number 1

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Everything Henry did seemed to be wrong-way-round and upside down, until he met Amy, who is good at everything. But there are still some things Henry can teach Amy.

About the Author

Stephen Michael King’s first picture book, The Man Who Loved Boxes, skyrocketed to popularity, winning the Family Award for Children’s Books in 1996. It was also short-listed in the Crichton Award for Children’s Book Illustration and has been sold around the world.

The Christmas 1996 bestseller, Beetle Soup, a collection of Australian poems and stories for children, illustrated by Stephen, was short-listed for the 1997 Children’s Book Council of Australia Picture Book of the Year Award.

Stephen describes drawing as something that he simply can’t live without! ‘As far back as I remember I loved to draw. All I needed was a stick and a nice patch of dirt and I was happy for hours. When I was ten years old I became partially deaf and experienced difficulty communicating with people. Drawing and dreaming became my escape …

‘I work from a small studio in my backyard surrounded by my growing forest of trees. Our house is in a tiny township near the Hawkesbury River in Sydney and we are surrounded by national park. My favourite pastime is sitting on my front step and dreaming of the veranda I will build one day.

‘I work mainly with watercolours and ink, although I do occasionally use coloured pencils. I work fast so my ideas stay fresh and my brush and linework fluid.’

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