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Jacques Cousteau and the Undersea World : Explorers of New Worlds - Roger King

Jacques Cousteau and the Undersea World

Explorers of New Worlds

By: Roger King

Paperback | 1 January 2001

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Presents a biography of the Frenchman who helped invent the first self-contained breathing apparatus, diving saucers, and other advances, and whose accounts of his discoveries brought worldwide attention to the undersea environment.

French marine explorer Jacques Yves Cousteau is one of the most important figures in ocean exploration. Before Cousteau and fellow Frenchman Emile Gagnan invented the Aqua Lung in the mid 1940s, undersea divers were connected to their life oxygen through a long tube that limited the depth to which they could dive and the area of the ocean floor in which they could roam.

The Aqua Lung, a self contained breathing apparatus, allowed divers to take their own oxygen supply with them into the way and freed them to wander and explore the ocean floor.
Industry Reviews
"These volumes follow a winning formula: accessible text, abundant and diverse illustrative material, and sidebars that distill the main ideas of each chapter. These books will find eager audiences among report writers and browsers looking for high adventure."

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