Jazz Chants for Children (R) : Teacher's Edition - Carolyn Graham

Jazz Chants for Children (R)

Teacher's Edition

By: Carolyn Graham

Paperback | 20 November 1980

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Jazz Chants are Carolyn Graham's snappy, upbeat chants and poems that use jazz rhythms to illustrate the natural stress and intonation patterns of conversational American English. Her first book, "Jazz Chants, was published in 1978, followed by "Jazz Chants for Children one year later. For over 25 years, classes all over the world have enjoyed jazz chanting as a unique way for students to improve their speaking and listening comprehension skills while reinforcing the language structures of everyday situations. "Jazz Chants for Children, the original edition first published over twenty-five years ago, contains the chants, songs, and poems that started it all.

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