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Lady Helen and the Dark Days Club : The Lady Helen Series : Book 1 - Alison Goodman

Lady Helen and the Dark Days Club

The Lady Helen Series : Book 1

By: Alison Goodman

Paperback | 14 December 2015

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London, April 1812. Lady Helen Wrexhall is set to make her debut at the court of Queen Charlotte and officially step into polite Regency society and the marriage mart. Little does Helen know that step will take her from the opulent drawing rooms of Mayfair and the bright lights of Vauxhall Gardens into a shadowy world of missing housemaids and demonic conspiracies.

Standing between those two worlds is Lord Carlston, a man of ruined reputation and brusque manners. He believes Helen has a destiny beyond the ballroom; a sacred and secret duty. Helen is not so sure, especially when she discovers that nothing around her is quite as it seems, including the enigmatic Lord Carlston.

Against a backdrop of whispered secrets in St James's Palace, soirees with Lord Byron and morning calls from Beau Brummell, Lady Helen and the Dark Days Club is a delightfully dangerous adventure of self-discovery and dark choices that must be made ... whatever the consequences.

About the Author

Alison Goodman is the author of Singing The Dogstar Blues and the duology Eon and Eona. Eon has been sold into 13 territories, translated in 10 languages and in 2009 won the Aurealis award and was shortlisted for the NSW and Victorian Premier’s Awards. Alison lives in Brighton, Victoria.

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