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Leviathan : Leviathan Series : Book 1 - Scott Westerfeld


Leviathan Series : Book 1

By: Scott Westerfeld, Keith Thompson (Illustrator)

Paperback | 1 October 2009 | Edition Number 1

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Booktopia Comments
Best Young Adult Novel : 2010 Aurealis Awards
Product Description
It is the beginning of the 20th century, 80 years after Darwin established the foundations of modern biology. But in the world of Leviathan these discoveries changed history more dramatically than in our own.

England and France have perfected the the techniques of species fabrication, resulting in a glorious age of Edwardian biotechnology.

In this world, Prince Aleksandar is on the run from those who would deny him his inheritance. This is a delux hardback edition, lavishly illustrated by Keith Thompson.

About The Author And Illustrator

Keith Thompson is a freelance artist specialising in concept art for myriad applications, including books, movies, video games and pen and paper role-playing games. His work has appeared around the world, and he is the author of several books teaching the ins and outs of creating concept art. His work is featured in Spectrum art annuals and was exhibited at their show at the Museum of American Illustration.

Scott Westerfeld spends his southern hemisphere summers in Sydney, Australia, and his northern hemisphere summers in New York City. He was born in Texas and has been a musician, software game designer and ghost-writer; but writing under his own name turned out to be the most fun. He is not nearly as cool as Hunter in So Yesterday (he says) which won the 2005 Victorian Premier's Literary Award for Young Adult Fiction, but his writing definately is.

His novels have been named New York Times Notable Books of the Year, made the Times' Essential Summer Reading List, and awarded the Philip K Dick Special Citation. He has contributed essays and stories to,, Nerve, and Book Forum. He has two series' Uglies and Midnighters which won the Aurealis award for Best Young Adult Fantasy.

Scott Westerfeld's Awards

ABPA Book Design Awards - Young Adult Division
Short-listed - 2007 for Peeps

Andre Norton Award
Short-listed - 2007 for Peeps

Qld Premier's Literary Award - Young Adult Division
Short-listed - 2006 for Peeps

Victorian Premier's Literary Award - Young Adult Division
Winner - 2005 for So Yesterday

Aurealis Award - Young Adult Division
Short-listed - 2005 for Peeps

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