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Lustor the Acid Dart : Beast Quest Master of the Beasts : Beast Quest : Book 57 - Adam Blade

Lustor the Acid Dart : Beast Quest Master of the Beasts

Beast Quest : Book 57

By: Adam Blade

Paperback | 13 March 2012 | Edition Number 1

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Something horrible lurks in the Yellow Marshes! Malvel has created Lustor the Acid Dart to fight Tom.

This giant Beast can shoot acid - and his aim is fixed on Tom! Is our hero fast enough to win?

4 collector's cards included.

About the Author

Adam Blade is in his late twenties, and was born in Kent, England. He was fascinated by the ancient sword and shield that hung in his father's office. As a boy, Adam would spend days imagining who could have first owned the sword and shield. Eventually, he created a character - Tom, the bravest boy warrior of them all. The idea for Beast Quest was born. When he's not writing Beast Quest books, Adam enjoys visiting museums and ancient battle sites. His main hobbies are fencing and football. He also spends a lot of time at home running around after his two exotic pets - a tarantula named Ziggy, and a capuchin monkey named Omar. These little rascals were the inspiration for two of the Beasts that Tom faces on his Quest - Arachnid and Claw. Sadly, Adam does not have his own Fire-Dragon or Horse-Man. But he really wishes he did!

The Master of the Beasts Series (Books 55-60)

The Beast Quest Series

Fenro the Fire Dragon : Beast Quest : Book 1 - Adam Blade
Tagus the Horse-Man : Beast Quest : Book 4 - Adam Blade
Epos the Flame Bird : Beast Quest : Book 6 - Adam Blade

Other Books By Adam Blade

Fenro the Fire Dragon : Beast Quest : Book 1 - Adam Blade
Beast Quest: Heraxor the Fire Hawk : Series 31 Book 3 - Adam Blade
Beast Quest: Petrok the Stone Warrior : Series 31 Book 4 - Adam Blade
Beast Quest & Other Monsters Kitbag Collection - 12 Books - Adam Blade
Attack of the Bat Army : Team Hero : Series 1 : Book 2 - Adam Blade
Falkor the Coiled Terror : Beast Quest - Adam Blade
Okira the Crusher : Beast Quest - Adam Blade
Rykar the Fire Hound : Beast Quest - Adam Blade
The Secret Jungle : Team Hero : Team Hero : Book 1 - Adam Blade
New Blood : Beast Quest: Book 1 - Adam Blade

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