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Mama Mia : A Memoir of Mistakes, Magazines and Motherhood - Mia Freedman

Mama Mia

A Memoir of Mistakes, Magazines and Motherhood

By: Mia Freedman

Paperback | 1 August 2009

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Having babies can be hard. Having a career can be hard. Having a successful relationship can be hard. But all three at once?

This is not a book about having it all. Or not having it all. When she became an editor at 24 and had a baby nine months later, Mia Freedman simply knew she wanted to be successful at everything she did, at home and at work. And then she woke up. Over the next decade she would experience the giddy highs and guilty lows of being a working mother.

She would manage a staff of 70 but forget to pick up her son from after-school care. Twice.

She would create sealed sections by day and read bedtime stories by night. She would wear a maternity bra under fashion-forward clothes that would make her look like a lactating cast member from Cirque du Soleil. She would rock the magazine world by using larger models and then be blasted by some feminists for not doing enough.

Newspaper columnist, author and former magazine editor Mia Freedman has been called the voice of her generation, and in Mama Mia she writes candidly about the myth of perfection so many high profile women try to maintain. From the heartbreak of infertility to the joy of pregnancy this book is about being a wife, mother, friend, daughter, boss, employee and media personality -- all at once.

It's about kicking big life goals early and often, and the surprising things that happen when you walk away from everything you thought you wanted.

About The Author

Mia Freedman was always in a hurry to kick her big life goals. So when she became editor of Cosmopolitan at 24 and had a baby a few months later, she thought she was right on track.

But when things unexpectedly fell apart, she was forced to face a few uncomfortable truths about who she was and what she wanted to do with her life.

Over the next decade, she would experience some dazzling career highs and some devastating personal lows. She would lose all her confidence and then – eventually – find it again in an unexpected place. She would make mistakes at work and at home and she would learn some surprising lessons about what made her happy.

As a writer, magazine editor, popular blogger and media personality, Mia has been called the voice of her generation. Mama Mia is her story so far.

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