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Managing for Change : Taking Charge Of Your Future - Peter Fritz

Managing for Change

Taking Charge Of Your Future

By: Peter Fritz, Brad Howarth

Paperback | 1 September 2014

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Put yourself back in life’s driver’s seat.

When life is good, it’s easy to assume it will stay that way. After all, why change a winning formula?

But the world around us is changing – and at a faster and faster rate. Some changes will impact us professionally.

Others will impact our families. Some might impact our health.

These changes will force us to change.

It’s likely that the things we are doing now may not work in the future. So how do we alter our current trajectory?

And to where should we set our new course?

So, if change is inevitable, why not plan for it? And why not go one step further – and actually manage for it?

Letting change happen to us is no guarantee of a happy and successful life. Reaching that goal for now and tomorrow means constantly assessing the future and developing skills in predicting and managing the forces of change.

Managing for Change is your guide to doing just that.

Managing for Change – your guide to building your own better future.

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