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Maths Quest 9 for the Australian Curriculum Teacher Edition & EGuidePLUS : Maths Quest for Aust Curriculum Series - Robert Cahn

Maths Quest 9 for the Australian Curriculum Teacher Edition & EGuidePLUS

By: Robert Cahn, Lyn Elms, Nilgun Safak, Catherine Hughes, Robyn Williams

Paperback | 20 December 2011 | Edition Number 1

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Maths Quest 9 for the Australian Curriculum is written specifically for the new Australian Mathematics curriculum and includes a comprehensive coverage of all the content strands: Number and Algebra, Geometry and Measurement and Probability and Statistics.

The Maths Quest 9 Australian Curriculum Edition Teacher Edition contains everything in the student edition package plus the answers printed in red next to most questions in the exercises and the eGuidePLUS.

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