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Men Can Wear Dresses Too - Catie Maye

Men Can Wear Dresses Too

By: Catie Maye

Paperback | 25 April 2014

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Catie stood in front of the full length mirror. It was Friday night. The one night a month that she could dress up and go out dancing but, nothing was going right. Catie sighed and began to fiddle with the new Karen Millen, black and white geometric patterned dress. Catie reached down and smoothed her stockings, and checked the mirror one final time. The reflection indifferently shrugged in reluctant acceptance. Was that a smudge of mascara? Catie reached for a tissue and wiped the corner of her eye. She cursed. How do other women manage to achieve long curly perfect eye lashes when she could only ever manage to surround her eyes in a black gooey mess. She took out the dark cherry red lipstick and freshened her lips, pouting, to dab away any excess lipstick with the tissue. Her silvery blonde hair hung limply around her face. She thought maybe it was time for a new hairstyle?Catie shuffled her feet. Would she be able to dance or even walk with the four inch black high heels she had chosen for the evening.Catie stood in front of the full length mirror and smiled. The transformation from a man to a woman was complete, at least for one night.

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