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Mirka the Ice Horse  : Beast Quest - The Darkest Hour Series : Book 71 - Adam Blade

Mirka the Ice Horse

Beast Quest - The Darkest Hour Series : Book 71

By: Adam Blade

Paperback | 3 January 2013 | Edition Number 1

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Fight the Beasts, Fear the Magic!

Join the hero Tom on a high-action adventure with terrible Beasts and deadly danger!

Tom's bravery and fighting skills are tested to the limit in his next Beast Quest. Is he brave enough to continue with his most challenging Beast Quest yet Or will Mirka the Ice Horse defeat him.

About the Author

Adam Blade is in his late twenties, and was born in Kent, England. His parents were both history teachers and amateur artists, and Adam grew up surrounded by his father's paintings of historic English battles - which left a lifelong mark on his imagination. He was also fascinated by the ancient sword and shield that hung in his father's office. Adam's father said they were a Blade family heirloom. As a boy, Adam would spend days imagining who could have first owned the sword and shield. Eventually, he created a character - Tom, the bravest boy warrior of them all. The idea for Beast Quest was born.

The Beast Quest Series

Fenro the Fire Dragon : Beast Quest : Book 1 - Adam Blade
Tagus the Horse-Man : Beast Quest : Book 4 - Adam Blade
Epos the Flame Bird : Beast Quest : Book 6 - Adam Blade