Mosby's Nursing PDQ :  PDA Software - Mosby Staff

Mosby's Nursing PDQ

PDA Software

By: Mosby Staff

CD-ROM | 1 November 2003

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Every nurse and other health care professionals have "important" reference information that they carry along with them into the clinical setting. This PDA companion software gives rapid access to hundreds of essential facts, formulas, charts, conversions, and more - all at the tap of a stylus.

  • Each section features a rapid-reference table of contents to give instant access to topics within each section.
  • Helpful cross-reference links to related topics are also included.
  • Quick facts about drugs, emergency care, pediatrics, patient teaching, obstetrics, patient assessment and procedures.
  • Includes a special section containing commonly used but rarely memorized clinical information such as formulas, conversion tables, abbreviations, and more - all necessary to deliver safe and efficient nursing care.
  • Ten sections: Procedures, Vital Signs/Pain, Assessment, Meds/IV, Labs, Emergency/ECG, Obstetrics, Pediatrics, Patient Teaching, and Facts.
  • Handy calculators such as BMI, BSA (adult and pediatric), Glasgow Coma Scale, Growth Chart Calculators, IBW, IV Infusion Rate, MAP, Metric Units Conversion, and PPF help users make key calculations quickly and easily.

The CD-ROM version of this handheld software is not Mac-compatible. All Mac users must purchase the downloadable version (ISBN 0-323-02904-3). See link to this product under "Companion Products".

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