My Special Book About Me  : The Story of My Life at School - Quest Concepts

My Special Book About Me

The Story of My Life at School

By: Quest Concepts

Spiral Ringed Book | 1 June 1995

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My Special Book About Me is an exciting keepsake of your school life from preschool to year 12.

Chart your progress year by year and you will have a valuable record of your school life.

This album contains a double page spread for each year of school with each double page spread containing a storage envelope for reports, certificates, ribbons and those special drawings and other memorabilia. There is also a page for a class photo for each year of school.

* Treasure your memories
* Share your goals
* Remember your school friends
* Diarise your personal challenges
* Detail important events
* Celebrate your achievements

This book will inspire you for many years to come.

Now in its second edition, My Special Book About Me has been redesigned and refreshed with fun new graphics and content, activities and new sections for recording those special memories. This new and totally redesigned book, whilst keeping all the features that parents and children love, has been created after years of feedback as well as extensive research with educators and parents of school age children.

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