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Not Meeting Mr Right - Anita Heiss

Not Meeting Mr Right

By: Anita Heiss

Paperback | 1 February 2007 | Edition Number 1

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I am deadly, desirable and delicious!
This is Alice's mantra as she hilariously negotiates her way through the rocky terrain of singledom.

Alice Aigner is successful, independent and a confirmed serial dater - but at her ten-year school reunion she has a sudden change of heart. Bored rigid by her married, mortgaged and motherly former classmates, Alice decides to prove that a woman can have it all: a man, marriage, career, kids and a mind of her own.

She sets herself a goal: meet the perfect man and marry him before her thirtieth birthday, just under two years away. Together with her best friends Dannie, Liza and Peta, Alice draws up a ten-point plan. Then, with a little help from her mum, her dad, her brothers, her colleagues and her neighbour across the hall, she sets out to find Mr Right. Unfortunately for Alice, it's not quite as easy as she imagines …

Who could not fall in love with our Koori heroine as she dates (among others): Renan, whose career goal is to be the world's best moonwalker and male hula dancer; Tufu the commitment-phobic Samoan football player; scary Simon the one-night stand; and Paul - Mr Dreamboat, but perhaps too good to be true. All the while, Alice skilfully avoids dating Cliff, son of her mum's friend, a confirmed bachelor who isn't likely to settle down with a woman anytime soon.

Anita Heiss is a fresh new local voice in the genre of chicklit.

About the Author

Dr Anita Heiss is the bestselling author of Not Meeting Mr Right and Avoiding Mr Right, both published by Bantam Australia. Anita was recognised for Outstanding Achievement in Literature in the 2010 and 2011 Deadly Awards for her novels Manhattan Dreaming and Paris Dreaming. A writer, satirist, activist, social commentator and occasional academic, Anita is a member of the Wiradjuri nation of central New South Wales, an Indigenous Literacy Day Ambassador and a board member of the National Aboriginal Sporting Chance Academy. She lives in Sydney and but dreams of living in New York.
Industry Reviews
“Anita Heiss is a fresh and bold new Australian voice in the genre of chick lit. So get comfy, grab a copy of Not Meeting Mr Right and prepare to be entertained and delighted by gorgeous Alice on her quest for true luuurve!" -

“Anita Heiss creates the genre of Koori chick lit in Not Meeting Mr Right.” - Susan Wyndham ‘This Year’s Best Books’ in Sydney Morining Herald

”There's lots of social commentary, hands-on sex, and brilliant satire here, heaps of black/white politics and revisionist history, and most impressive of all there's the most vivid, three-dimensional account ever written in any language of a truly serious hangover.” - Alex Miller

"Through its wit, charm and cheekiness, this novel is... going to be dubbed the blackfella version of Bridget Jones' Diary, with one difference, this one comes with a spear." - Terri Janke, author Butterfly Song

"...An entertaining and often very funny, Bridget Jones-ish romp." - Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin

"Anita is Aboriginal Australia's answer to Whoopi Goldberg." - Jackie Huggins

"Great witty entertainment here, from a clever young Aussie author. More please." - Woman's Day

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Dirrayawadha : Rise Up - Anita Heiss

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Who Am I ? : My Australian Story - Anita Heiss

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Am I Black Enough For You? : 10 Years On - Anita Heiss

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Red Dust Running - Anita Heiss

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Yirra and her Deadly Dog, Demon - Anita Heiss

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Barbed Wire and Cherry Blossoms - Anita Heiss

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Growing up Wiradjuri - Anita Heiss

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Tiddas - Anita Heiss


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Avoiding Mr. Right - Anita Heiss


Manhattan Dreaming - Anita Heiss

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Not Meeting Mr Right - Anita Heiss

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Paris Dreaming - Anita Heiss

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