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Organic Vegetable Gardening - Annette McFarlane

Organic Vegetable Gardening

By: Annette McFarlane

Paperback | 1 September 2010

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In a world where mass-produced food often lacks taste and freshness, more and more people are growing their own vegetables This new, greatly expanded edition of Annette McFarlane's gardening classic offers gardeners an authoritative and comprehensive guide to growing an extensive range of organic vegetables. As well as outlining the basics --- how to plan your garden and prepare soil, make compost, develop a planting guide, propagate, and sow and germinate seeds, Annette offers a mass of new and exciting material. In 'Garden to Gourmet', she explains how to grow Australian bush food and the herbs and spices that give the unique character to the cuisines of China, Greece, Malaysia, Mexico, Singapore, Thailand and India. There are additional chapters on growing different types of mushrooms, and edible flowers and weeds.

For gardeners with not much room to move, there is a whole new chapter on growing a large range of vegetables in containers. And for those interested in heirloom vegetables, advice on collecting and storing seeds.

All this plus extensive instructions on how to grow over 115 vegetables in the 'A for Amaranth Spinach to Z for Zucchini' section, including heaps of new information on Asian greens and cabbages and unusual vegetables, ensures that ORGANIC VEGETABLE GARDENING remains the organic grower's bible.

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