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Oxford Big Ideas Science 8 : Workbook - Australian Curriculum - Ali Riza

Oxford Big Ideas Science 8

Workbook - Australian Curriculum

By: Ali Riza

Paperback | 24 November 2011

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The Oxford Big Ideas Science series is supported by workbooks at Years 7-10. The workbooks for each year level provide extra practice of key skills and encourage an inquiry-based approach to learning - perfect for in-class work or homework. An interactive digital workbook is also included. Alternatively, it can be purchased as a stand-alone digital workbook.

About the Author

Ali Riza is a Science and Physics teacher with almost 20 years experience in the classroom. He has worked closely with the NSW Board of Studies as a marker of HSC Physics exams and has written numerous practice HSC exams for private organisations. He is currently working in an eastern suburban privates school in Sydney and has always been interested in Science, Physics, The Universe, Philosophy, Mathematics and the meaning of life.

Oxford Big Ideas Australian Curriculum