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Fun at the Fair : Peppa Pig Series - Ladybird

Fun at the Fair

Peppa Pig Series

By: Ladybird

Paperback | 2 May 2011 | Edition Number 1

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Fun at the Fair is a delightful storybook based on the award-winning television character Peppa Pig. Roll up! Roll up! Today, Peppa, George and their family are going on a day out to the funfair. Will Mummy Pig win an enormous teddy bear and will Daddy Pig be scared of the helter-skelter?

Discover what happens in this delightful Peppa Pig storybook. The Peppa Pig range of books are fun, interactive and educational, ideal for encouraging children to start to read by themselves. Titles available from Ladybird include: Peppa and George's Theatre Show, Peppa Goes Swimming, Peppa's Big Day Out and many more.

Peppa Pig Story Books

Peppa Goes on Holiday : Peppa Pig - Ladybird
Peppa Pig: Peppa at the Farm : A Lift-the-Flap Book - Peppa Pig
Peppa's Song Contest : Peppa Pig - Peppa Pig
Peppa The Zookeeper : Peppa Pig - Peppa Pig

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Lotte Llama Starts Playgroup : Peppa Pig - Peppa Pig
Peppa Pig: Peppa to the Rescue : A Push-and-pull adventure - Peppa Pig
Peppa Pig : Granny and Grandpa Pig's Day Out - Peppa Pig
Peppa Meets the Queen : Peppa Pig Series - Ladybird
Peppa's First Sleepover : Peppa Pig Series - Ladybird
George's New Dinosaur : Peppa Pig Series - Ladybird
Peppa Goes Swimming : Peppa Pig Series - Ladybird
George Catches a Cold : Peppa Pig Series - E1 Entertainment
Peppa's First Glasses : Peppa Pig Series - Ladybird
Happy Birthday, Peppa! : Peppa Pig Series - Ladybird

Penguin Peppa Pig Series

Peppa's Easter Egg Hunt : Peppa Pig - Ladybird

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Peppa Pig: Dentist Trip : Peppa Pig - Ladybird
Peppa Pig : Peppa Hide and Seek : A Search and Find Book - Ladybird
Peppa Pig: Peppa at the Farm : A Lift-the-Flap Book - Peppa Pig
123 with Peppa : Peppa Pig Series - Ladybird
Stomp and Roar! : Peppa Pig Sound Book - Ladybird
Peppa Pig : Granny and Grandpa Pig's Day Out - Peppa Pig
George's Racing Car : Peppa Pig Series - Ladybird
Peppa Meets the Queen : Peppa Pig Series - Ladybird
My Grandpa : Peppa Pig Series - Ladybird
Happy Birthday, Peppa! : Peppa Pig Series - Ladybird
George's Balloon : Peppa Pig Series - Ladybird
Peppa Dress-Up Sticker Book : Peppa Pig Series - Ladybird