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Plants for Australian Dry Gardens : Dry Gardening Australia  - Marcelle Nankervis

Plants for Australian Dry Gardens

Dry Gardening Australia

By: Marcelle Nankervis

Paperback | 1 April 2009 | Edition Number 1

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In Plants for Australian Dry Gardens, horticulturist Marcelle Nankervis presents a plant directory of surprising depth and variety. Over 600 species, both indigenous and exotic, are featured, and information on each plant’s cultivation requirements, growth habits and preferred aspect provides all the detail you need to choose the water-efficient plants best suited to your climate and garden style.

About The Author

Marcelle Nankervis has worked in the horticultural industry for over 15 years and has been a contributor to Your Garden Magazine, Better Homes and Gardens and Burke’s Backyard. Marcelle studied for her degree in horticulture at the Victorian College of Agriculture and Horticulture and worked at several wholesale nurseries before becoming exclusively involved in the horticultural media. Marcelle believes dry gardening is the most positive method of gardening for the future and puts her principles into practice in a Mediterranean coastal climate in Victoria.

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