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Pocket Atlas of Cardiac MRI : Radiology Pocket Atlas Series - Woodward Brown Higgins

Pocket Atlas of Cardiac MRI

By: Woodward Brown Higgins

Paperback | 1 September 2004 | Edition Number 2

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Incorporating the latest advances in MR technology and cardiac imaging, this pocket atlas is a rapid guide to interpretation of cardiac MR images. This edition features over 120 sharp new images of normal anatomy and abnormalities and includes new sections on coronary arteries, thoracic MR angiography, three-dimensional surface anatomy, surgical repairs, and imaging protocols.

Each page presents a high-resolution image, with anatomic landmarks clearly labeled. Above the image is a key to the labels and a thumbnail illustration that orients readers to the plane of view (sagittal, axial, or coronal). This format enables readers to identify features quickly and accurately.