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Real Estate Without Agents : How to Buy and Sell Property Without Real Estate Agents - Terry Ryder

Real Estate Without Agents : How to Buy and Sell Property Without Real Estate Agents

By: Terry Ryder

Paperback | 1 August 2004

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Real estate journalist and author of Property Smart and Buyer Beware offers a step by step plan on how to market and sell your house privately whilst saving yourself time, and considerable amounts of money, He shows how buyers can find owners selling their own houses privately, and provides tips and know-how from dozens of private sellers and buyers.

About the Author

Terry Ryder has specialised as a researcher and writer on Australian real estate since 1982. He was Property Editor at The Courier-Mail in Brisbane and later Queensland property correspondent for The Australian Financial Review. He is the author of four real estate books. More recently he was a regular real estate columnist for The Australian and currently writes a regular column on the Property Observer website.

He contributes regular articles to Money Magazine and is frequently sought by television, radio, magazines and newspapers for his knowledge and analysis of real estate issues. He founded the website to assist real estate investors in 2006 and inaugurated the Invest in Hotspots website in 2013.

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