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Do You Remember the 1960s? : Objects and Moments of a Dynamic Era - Patricia Masso

Do You Remember the 1960s?

Objects and Moments of a Dynamic Era

By: Patricia Masso

Hardcover | 20 June 2010

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Excitement, freedom, revolution - the call for change was born in the '60s! Men's hair grew long, women's skirts became short and people dreamed of a world of love, peace and happiness. Everything seemed to be possible: a just society for all races and genders, even humans taking a walk on the moon. Fascinating novelties in fashion, music and design were the breedingground for trends in coming centuries. This title brings back the memories of the glorious Swinging Sixties. AUTHOR: Patricia Masso is PR and marketing consultant with a passion for books. In recent years, she has edited various book titles focussing on travel, design, and lifestyle. ILLUSTRATIONS Colour throughout *

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