A wickedly funny and irreverent chronicler of real life in today's parenting trenches, whether he's making us choke with laughter or 'scrisper' (a scream, tempered by a whisper, vital to surviving wrangling four little boys in planes, trains, automobiles and supermarkets), it's easy to see why his star is rising.
Women love him and men admire him for keeping it real and doing his best to man up, even (and perhaps especially) when he fails, sometimes spectacularly. In Reservoir Dad, he finally shares the whole enchilada. The result is a laugh out loud , refreshingly down to earth and moving modern-day love story that reminds us of what really matters amongst all the chaos and craziness a
About the Author
When Clint Greagen became a stay-at-home dad he turned to blogging to connect with the world - and stay sane. His Reservoir Dad blog won Best Australian Blog 2013 in the Personal and Parenting category. Clint lives in Reservoir with wife Tania, and sons Archie, 9, Lewis, 7, Tyson, 4, and Maki, 2. Clint quit his job to become a stay at home dad when oldest son Archie was two and recalls that some of his co-workers were bemused and there was even the odd occasion when his manliness was questioned.
As usual, he sought refuge in writing. He wrote a crime novel or three before the demands of his new day job led him to turn away from longer writing projects in favour of blogging to connect with the world - and other stay-at-home parents - and to stay sane. Clint's blog, Reservoir Dad, won the Best Australian Blog 2013 in the Personal and Parenting category.
Industry Reviews
If David Sedaris had got married and had kids, he would have been Reservoir Dad. Fall-on-the-floor funny, sharp, witty and just a little bit sexy ...' Best Australian Blog 2013 judge Kerri Sackville sums up the feelings of the legions of fans of Reservoir Dad, aka Clint Greagen, a stay-at-home dad who tells it like it is and makes us laugh out loud - and sometimes cry, but in a good way.