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Sandplay and Symbol Work : Emotional Healing and Personal Development with Children, Adolescents a... - Helen Wilson

Sandplay and Symbol Work

Emotional Healing and Personal Development with Children, Adolescents a...

By: Helen Wilson, M Pearson

Paperback | 1 October 2003

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Designed for counselors, this book explores the usefulness of symbols and sandplay as forms of therapy. Through the juxtaposition of symbols, clients are able to convey complex ideas and personal issues that might not be explored in a conventional therapy session. Non-threatening and suitable for clients of all ages, it has demonstrated itself as an excellent means of getting to the core of people's personal problems. The book features: -- Discussion of the Jungian and Gestalt foundations of sandplay and symbol work; -- Case studies; -- Explanation of how counselors and facilitators can apply this therapy; and-- Color illustrations of the therapy in action.

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