Sandry's Book : Circle of Magic Series : Book 1 - Tamora Pierce

Sandry's Book

Circle of Magic Series : Book 1

By: Tamora Pierce

Paperback | 1 September 1999

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Here begins the tale of Daja, Briar, Tris, and Sandry--four children brought to Winding Cirle Temple for training in crafts and magic. They are outcasts in their homeland. But in this magical place, they are valued and respected for their special powers.

About the Author

Tamora Pierce lives in Syracuse, New York, with her husband, Tim, five cats, two birds, and various freeloading wildlife.
Industry Reviews
First in a series, this is a rich and satisfying read.
--Kirkus Reviews

The action is swift, the fantasy world nicely defined, and the ending will leave readers wanting more. With a multicultural cast and enough gender role-reversal to make a lot of people happy, this is a promising first title in a series.
--Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books

[T]his is an enjoyable fantasy for middle-grade readers, who will look forward to the next book in the series.
--School Library Journal

Pierce has created an excellent new world where magic is a science...and populated it with a cast of well-realized characters. Teens will eagerly await the planned sequels.

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