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Seize the Fire : Heroism, Duty, and Nelson's Battle of Trafalgar - Adam Nicolson

Seize the Fire

Heroism, Duty, and Nelson's Battle of Trafalgar

By: Adam Nicolson

Paperback | 1 August 2006

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In October 1805 Lord Horatio Nelson, the most brilliant sea commander who ever lived, led the British Royal Navy to a devastating victory over the Franco-Spanish fleets at the great battle of Trafalgar. It was the foundation of Britain's nineteenth-century world-dominating empire. Adam Nicolson's "Seize the Fire" is not only a close and revealing portrait of a legendary hero in his final action but also a vivid account of the brutal realities of battle; it asks the questions: Why did the winners win? What was it about the British, their commanders and their men, their beliefs and their ambitions, that took them to such overwhelming victory?

Industry Reviews
"Elegant and imaginative." -- Jonathan Yardley, Washington Post "A thrilling book." -- Bloomberg News "A masterly reconstruction of this event." -- Christopher Hitchens, Atlantic Monthly A thrilling book. --Bloomberg News "argued with vigour and written with grace, it is an illuminating piece of interpretive cultural history."--Sunday Times (London) "Of the books marking the bicentenary of...Trafalgar, Adam Nicolson's can claim to be one of the most original"--The Week "Bold and provocative...Nicolson's book stands out from amongst its rivals."--Sunday Telegraph "Vibrant and welcome addition to the admittedly already large library of Nelsonia."--Jonathan Bouquet, The Observer "Elegant and imaginative."--Jonathan Yardley, Washington Post "Nicolson brilliantly characterises each navy - British, French, Spanish - as an expression of the countries to which they belonged...vivid"--Country Life "The reader will find nothing dull about this sparkling work...majestic, poetic and, at base, authentic."--Literary Review "strikingly original...Mr. Nicolson brings to life superbly the horror, devastation and gore of Trafalgar."--The Economist "full of suspense and vivid, raw descriptions of the butchery...sublime writing"--The Scotsman "A masterly reconstruction of this event."--Christopher Hitchens, Atlantic Monthly "Seize the so ripping I faced the classic ocean-voyage quandary. Halfway through, my supply of pages dwindling, I started to ration...stirring, vividly written book."--Independent on Sunday "A thrilling book."--Bloomberg News "So ripping I faced the classic ocean-voyage quandary. Halfway through, my supply of pages dwindling, I started to ration."--David Lipsky, New York Times Book Review "A well-reasoned transoceanic rejoinder to Freeman's Affairs of Honor, and a pleasure for fans of Aubrey and Hornblower."--Kirkus Reviews "Nicolson's eye for detail creates a compelling readability."--Jonathan Mirsky, The Spectator (A Book of the Year) Elegant and imaginative. --Jonathan Yardley, Washington Post" The reader will find nothing dull about this sparkling work...majestic, poetic and, at base, authentic. --Literary Review" Vibrant and welcome addition to the admittedly already large library of Nelsonia. --Jonathan Bouquet, The Observer" A well-reasoned transoceanic rejoinder to Freeman s Affairs of Honor, and a pleasure for fans of Aubrey and Hornblower. --Kirkus Reviews" Bold and provocative...Nicolson s book stands out from amongst its rivals. --Sunday Telegraph" argued with vigour and written with grace, it is an illuminating piece of interpretive cultural history. --Sunday Times (London)" Nicolson s eye for detail creates a compelling readability. --Jonathan Mirsky, The Spectator (A Book of the Year)" full of suspense and vivid, raw descriptions of the butchery...sublime writing --The Scotsman" Of the books marking the bicentenary of...Trafalgar, Adam Nicolson s can claim to be one of the most original --The Week" strikingly original...Mr. Nicolson brings to life superbly the horror, devastation and gore of Trafalgar. --The Economist" Nicolson brilliantly characterises each navy - British, French, Spanish - as an expression of the countries to which they belonged...vivid --Country Life" Seize the so ripping I faced the classic ocean-voyage quandary. Halfway through, my supply of pages dwindling, I started to ration...stirring, vividly written book. --Independent on Sunday" So ripping I faced the classic ocean-voyage quandary. Halfway through, my supply of pages dwindling, I started to ration. --David Lipsky, New York Times Book Review" A masterly reconstruction of this event. --Christopher Hitchens, Atlantic Monthly" A thrilling book. --Bloomberg News"

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