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Sexts, Texts and Selfies : How to keep your children safe in the digital space - Susan McLean

Sexts, Texts and Selfies

How to keep your children safe in the digital space

By: Susan McLean

Paperback | 28 May 2014

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Cyber bullying, sexting, gaming addiction, online predators - these terms are all too common for today's parents. Children have greater access to social media than ever before and while they intuitively know how to use the technology, their brains are not yet developed enough to make sensible decisions all the time.

Australia's expert cyber cop, Susan McLean, gives parents the best advice on how to keep children safe online: setting boundaries for internet/device usage, who to friend and unfriend, how to deal with nasty facebook comments, how to address social media issues with your child. She also has the answer for when things go wrong: a sext gone viral, relentless bullying, 'friends' pretending to be someone else.

Susan's no-nonsense approach is firm but fair. She deals with issues big and small and her Top 10 Rules for Cyber Safety should be in every parent's survival kit.

About the Author

Susan McLean is Australia's foremost expert in the area of cyber safety and young people. She was a member of Victoria Police for 27 years and in 1994 took her first report of cyberbulllying involving a group of Year 8 school girls. From this case, she identified the emerging problem of internet harassment.

She continued in the police force for many years, researching and training at the highest level internationally, ultimately establishing the organisation's approach to child online safety. Susan has been employed by the AFL and Cricket Australia as well as many other sporting, corporate, medical and government bodies. She has recently been appointed to sit on the newly established Australian Government Online Safety Consultative Working Group.
Industry Reviews
'The foremost authority in Australian cyber safety lays it on the line and challenges parents to find their digital spine.' - Dr Michael Carr-Gregg

'Reading McLean's book is at least, in this digital world, one place where parents can seek advice.' - The Daily Telegraph