Shooting Butterflies - T.M. Clark

Shooting Butterflies

By: T.M. Clark

Paperback | 1 December 2014

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A vivid and suspenseful portrayal of the brilliant contradictions of Africa and her people - and of family, love and brotherhood – from the acclaimed author of My Brother-But-One.

Tara grew up during the War of Independence in Zimbabwe. As a twelve year old, she witnessed the murder of her father and uncle, but was saved by a black worker from the farm next door: Shilo Jamison Khumalo.

When Tara is 15 she falls for a schoolmate, Wayne, and soon finds herself pregnant. They are too young to start a life together, and Tara is forced into single parenthood. Fourteen years later, diagnosed with a brain tumor, she sends a letter to Wayne in the hope that if things go wrong in surgery, he will come for their son Josha.

Ex-soldier Buffel and Jamison share a history from their time serving together in the Rhodesian Army. Since he discovered that it was Jamison who rescued Tara, Buffel has been determined to silence him, to ensure their once proud motto of ‘TIRI TOSE’ — there is no escape — is enforced. To hide the truth about the ritual killings that were responsible for Tara’s father’s death.

When Tara's letter arrives, Wayne and Jamison's friendship and loyalty is tested, as the imminent attack from Buffel threatens to stop Wayne from reuniting his lost family.

“You can smell the dust of Africa, feel her pain, and marvel at her incredible beauty in this sprawling tale.” Tony Park on My Brother-But-One.

About the Author

Born in Zimbabwe, Tina Marie completed her primary school years at boarding school in Bulawayo, but on weekends and holidays, her time was spent exploring their family ranch in Nyamandhlovu, normally on the back of her horse. Her teenage years were totally different to her idyllic childhood. After her father died, the family of 5 women moved to Kokstad, a rural town at the foot of the Drakensberg Mountains in South Africa, where she lived in the boarding school hostel as her home. In winter she walked to school in the snow and could never get warm, and in summer she sweated having to wear an impractical, but smart, blazer on the same trail.

She began writing fiction when she moved to the UK while being a stay at home mum to her two sons, following a suggestion from her husband Shaun during a trip to Paris, and she hasn’t looked back.

Now living on a small island near Brisbane in Queensland, Australia, Tina Marie combines her passion for story telling with her love for Africa. When not running around after the men in her life, she gets to enjoy her hobbies, which include boating, reading, sewing, travel, gardening, and lunching with her friends. (Not necessarily in that order!)

Passionate about Africa, different cultures and wildlife, most of Tina Marie’s books are set somewhere on that ancient continent.

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