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Slivka the Cold-hearted Curse : Beast Quest Series : Book 75 - Adam Blade

Slivka the Cold-hearted Curse

Beast Quest Series : Book 75

By: Adam Blade

Paperback | 9 July 2013 | Edition Number 1

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Tom's enemy, the Judge, has sent him to the Warrior's Road. If Tom fails to reach the end, he will no longer be Master of the Beasts. Standing in his way is cunning Slivka - will an old friend come to Tom's aid.

About the Author

Adam Blade is the creator of the hugely successful Beast Quest series.

The Beast Quest Series

Fenro the Fire Dragon : Beast Quest : Book 1 - Adam Blade
Tagus the Horse-Man : Beast Quest : Book 4 - Adam Blade
Epos the Flame Bird : Beast Quest : Book 6 - Adam Blade