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Smart Borrower's Handbook : An Essential Guide for Property, Sharemarket and Superannuation Investors - Stuart Wemyss

Smart Borrower's Handbook

An Essential Guide for Property, Sharemarket and Superannuation Investors

By: Stuart Wemyss

Paperback | 20 November 2005 | Edition Number 1

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The Smart Borrower’s Handbook is an essential guide for all property, sharemarket and superannuation investors.

Almost all home-owners and property investors borrow to invest; sharebuyers may buy shares on margin‘; even trustees of self managed superannuation funds (SMSFs) have the option to borrow to invest. Smart borrowers use other people‘s money to increase their wealth faster. However, borrowing (sometimes called gearing or leverage) is a double-edged sword as it can also increase losses. So it is essential that, before working out how much they need to borrow or applying for a loan, investors read this book. It will give them a better understanding of:

How much they can afford to borrow
  • Tax matters
  • Structuring their investments
  • Borrowing with third-parties
  • Margin lending
  • and much, much more.
Stuart Wemyss works with clients every day, helping them to structure their investments, choose the right loans and manage their investments in such a way that they achieve financial security sooner rather than later.

About the Author

Stuart Wemyss is a chartered accountant, mortgage broker and financial planner.

The founder of Melbourne-based financial planning and mortgage broking firm, ProSolution Private Clients, Stuart helps people manage their investments and increase their wealth through careful borrowing and structuring of their investments.

Stuart is an experienced property investor himself. He is married with twin sons and in his spare time he enjoys collecting (and consuming) red wine and passionately supporting the Geelong Football Club (his beloved Cats).

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