Sorcery 1 : The Shamutanti Hills : A Fighting Fantasy Gamebook in which YOU are the hero : Book 9 - Steve Jackson

Sorcery 1 : The Shamutanti Hills

A Fighting Fantasy Gamebook in which YOU are the hero : Book 9

By: Steve Jackson

Paperback | 1 May 2003 | Edition Number 1

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Part story, part game, this is a book with a difference - one in which YOU become the hero! A pencil and an eraser are all you need to make your journey. YOU decide which route to take, which creatures to fight and which dangers to risk.

Far away in the land of Kakhabad, chaos is brewing

The evil Archimage has stolen the precious Crown of Kings, intending to use its power to further his tyrannous ends. In this first book of Steve Jackson's Sorcery! series, you embark on a quest in the turmoil of Kakhabad, progressing through four books in order to achieve your ultimate goal - the Crown of Kings. Your first task is to traverse the dangerous Shamutanti Hills!

Unique in the Fighting Fantasy series, the Sorcery books allow you to choose your role - will you be warrior or sorcerer? Can you master the demands of the sorcerer's craft, casting spells with the Sorcery spell book and using all your wits to overcome the enemy? Be careful, for nothing in Kahkabad is quite as it seems.

About the Author

Steve Jackson made his name in the 1980's as co-creator, with Ian Livingstone, of the 'Fighting Fantasy' series. They also founded the Games Workshop chain and 'White Dwarf ' magazine. He is now a director of Lionhead, creators of the bestselling PC god-game 'Black and White.'

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