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Sports in Society : Sociological Issues and Controversies - Jay Coakley

Sports in Society

Sociological Issues and Controversies

By: Jay Coakley, Chris Hallinan, Brent McDonald

Paperback | 31 August 2011 | Edition Number 2

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Sports in society: sociological issues and controversies 2e is an Australian and New Zealand adaptation of the globally successful book by Jay Coakley. It retains all the strengths of the original work, while focusing on Australian and New Zealand experiences. Organised around important issues and controversies in sport, like gender equity, the book examines the role of sports in society. It also offers a framework for analysing and discussing serious problems in the world of sport, and helps build an understanding of how cultural ideology influences our lives.

The text provides comprehensive coverage of contemporary areas of focus, such as the role of racial and ethnic minorities in sport, and makes a valuable contribution to this area of study.

Sports in society: sociological issues and controversies 2e is an essential resource for students undertaking tertiary studies in the area of sport sociology, sport management, human movement and allied fields such as sport science and recreation studies.

New to this edition
  • Greater emphasis on the cultural, interactional, and structural dimensions of sports and sporting experiences
  • New chapter on the process of producing knowledge in the sociology of sport
  • Each chapter rewritten to be more clear and concise
  • New research and theoretical developments
  • Key features
  • Current and relevant theory and examples
  • Case studies throughout each chapter to enhance learning outcomes
  • Solid end-of-chapter material to encourage reflection on key points

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