Star Wars : A Galactic Pop-Up Adventure : Star Wars - Matthew Reinhart

Star Wars : A Galactic Pop-Up Adventure

By: Matthew Reinhart, Lucasfilm

Hardcover | 1 November 2012

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A brand-new explosive, interactive, pop-off-the-page book about George Lucas's STAR WARS movies from NY TIMES bestseller Matthew Reinhart!

The NEW YORK TIMES bestselling pop-up artist and engineer has created a brand-new 3-D experience, packed with a variety of novelty features; pop-ups, working lightsabers, pull tabs, and other interactive looks at the exciting and popular movies.

This new look at STARS WARS explores the characters, stories, vehicles, droids, and more in the three prequel movies and The Clone Wars.

It's a stunning book that will impress all fans of STAR WARS and gives a whole new perspective to the universe.

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