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Take Ted Instead - Cassandra Webb

Take Ted Instead

By: Cassandra Webb, Amanda Francey (Illustrator)

Hardcover | 1 April 2016

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Its bedtime for one tired little boy. Why should he go to bed when everyone else in the house is still awake? He has a plan to keep himself wide awake...

About the Author

Cassandra Webb is a chocaholic writer from the small coastal village of Narooma, Australia. Writer of children’s and young adult fiction, fantasy and picture books. Cassandra also writes creative non-fiction. She grew up in rural and remote Australia and remembers riding horses, working with helicopters and being homeschooled. Now on the coast with her two children she enjoys the beaches in summer and the nearby snowy mountains in winter.

About the Illustrator

Amanda Francey is an illustrator based in Queensland, Australia. She studied at Queensland College of Art and worked for many years in graphic design and art direction before returning to her childhood dream of illustrating children's books. Amanda has illustrated Jonathan! written by Peter Carnavas (published by New Frontier Publishing 2014), Onesie Mumsie, written by Alice Rex (published by New Frontier Publishing 2015) and Take Ted Instead, written by Cassandra Webb (published by New Frontier Publishing, due for release 2016).

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