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Teaching Primary Mathematics - George Booker

Teaching Primary Mathematics

By: George Booker, Denise Bond, Len Sparrow, Paul Swan

Paperback | 22 September 2009 | Edition Number 4

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Fully updated and reflective of the new Australian National Curriculum for Mathematics!

The fourth edition of Teaching Primary Mathematics has been significantly revised and updated for the current educational environment and has been written with a greater emphasis on how students learn mathematics.

It provides teachers and students with a sound framework for the successful teaching of mathematics to primary students. Teaching Primary Mathematics is suitable both as a core text for primary student teachers and as an indispensable reference for practicing primary teachers seeking to update their knowledge.

New to this Edition
  • Extended discussion on patterning in Chapter 1 leads into a development for algebraic thinking in a new chapter of its own.
  • Thoroughly revised and extended chapter 2 on problem solving includes a wider range of problems with worked solutions to assist the development of an overall approach to solving problems.
  • The presentation of numeration and computation in Chapters 3 and 4 has been refined and extended with additional content for the teaching of fractions.
  • NEW! Chapter 5 on Algebraic Thinking enables teachers to develop this critical aspect of mathematical thinking from the outset of schooling. A teaching sequence moves from continuing and describing spatial and numerical patterns to, in time, expressing patterns succinctly using symbols to prepare for the development of formal algebra during the middle years. A problem-solving perspective underpins this development throughout.
  • Thoroughly revised geometry chapter (Chapter 6) includes more activities to help students learn by doing and use in their teaching; extended cultural context.
  • Revised measurement chapter (Chapter 7) includes more focused activities to help students learn by doing and then use in their teaching.
  • Thoroughly revised probability and statistics chapter (Chapter 8) includes more activities to help students learn by doing and use in their teaching.
  • NEW! Likely student difficulties incorporated into every chapter.
  • NEW! Chapter 9 draws out connections among all aspects of mathematics in primary school, showing sequences of development among numeration, additive thinking and multiplicative thinking for whole numbers and fraction ideas, geometry and measurement. It indicates how probability and statistics and algebraic thinking build onto this development.
  • Updated Chapter 10 on assessment and mathematics includes a discussion of the proposed national curriculum and NAPLAN assessment for numeracy.
  • NEW! Two-colour design makes the content even more engaging for students.
  • NEW!  Digital image library which will allow instructors to take graphs and diagrams from the text into their classroom.
Features and Benefits
  • The text is structured into three parts: Part 1, Mathematics and Mathematics Education, discusses issues central to the development of mathematics learning; Part 2, Content and Processes in the Primary Mathematics Curriculum, is the major focus of the books and is based around the five content strands of the national statements and profiles; and Part 3, Implementing Effective Mathematics Learning, covers the practical tasks of managing the classroom environment and assessment.
  • The text is beautifully designed and lavishly illustrated with graphics, diagrams, equations, games, etc, aiding accessibility and explanation and further enriching the reader with ideas for classroom use.
  • Teaching Primary Mathematics is a proven quality text. Countless numbers of readers found the first three editions provided them with the necessary knowledge to create highly effective learning environments. Many readers who previously found mathematics difficult have embraced the discipline after using the text. The book is clearly an invaluable resource to the student and teacher alike.

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