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The 100 Best Australian Albums

By: John O'Donnell, Toby Creswell, Craig Mathieson

Hardcover | 25 October 2010 | Edition Number 1

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When music publications either here or abroad list their Top 100 all time best CD's or Top seminal albums, you would rarely see an Australian artist featured in the end list. Well I say they've got it all wrong! Finally, here is a much-needed list of argument-starting top 101 seminal/influential/essential Australian albums of all time. Let the fight begin! Includes albums from artists such as Nick Cave, The Drones, The Living End, INXS, Kylie Minogue and Silverchair.

Australian music has a proud, colourful and successful history. In 2008, Australian rock & roll turned 50. This book names the best Australian albums of the last 50 years. It places each album in order (from 1 - 100) and discuses why each album deserves its place. It tells the story behind the making of the album, where the album fits in the artist's career and the album's impact on the local and world stage etc. The entries will feature new interviews with the artists and the producers/managers involved in the recording and the release of the album.

"It wouldn't be a good list if it didn't polarise people and we hope that this list will. We also hope that it will get people sitting around comparing their favourites and discovering or re-discovering these great albums and others. With 70 years of loving and writing about Australian music between us, we shamelessly believe we've earned the right to write this book. And we think we've got it right. Let the debate begin." - John O'Donnell, April 2010

Finally, here is a much-needed list of argument-starting top 100 seminal/ influential/essential Australian albums of all time. Let the fight begin!

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