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The Aquarian Gospel Of Jesus The Christ : The Missing Years :  The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ - Levi H. Dowling

The Aquarian Gospel Of Jesus The Christ : The Missing Years

The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ

By: Levi H. Dowling, Alan Jacobs

Hardcover | 1 April 2010

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What happened to Jesus between the ages of 12 and 30? Where did he go, whom did he meet? How did Jesus increase in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man? The Aquarian Gospel reveals the truth of Jesus' journey to the East and how this shaped the boy into the man.

The Aquarian Gospel was revealed to the highly gifted spiritual and psychic medium, the Rev. Dr Levi H. Dowling (1844-1911). He was in a state of heightened spiritual awareness - a trance-like state - and the words came into his mind unbidden. His testimony has been accepted as authentic by many Christian sects.

According to the Rev. Dowling, the young Jesus was keen to prepare for his great Mission and wished to learn about the ancient religions of Hinduism and Buddhism. Taking the widely-traveled Silk Route he journeyed to India and Tibet, returning via Persia, Assyria, Greece and Egypt. He underwent many trials and adventures, all vividly described in The Aquarian Gospel.

Jesus' journey has been generally accepted in Tibet, Nepal, northern India and Kashmir for over 2,000 years. There, not only does scriptural and archaeological evidence survive, but the legend is so firmly rooted in popular folk memory that it is regarded as certain fact.

This volume presents those selected chapters from the much longer Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ that describe the 'Missing Years'. It is an enthralling book and one that every serious student of modern religion or spirituality should read.

About The Authors

Levi H. Dowling was a man of impeccable moral character and a minister of the greatly respected American Church of the Disciples of Christ. He was a highly skilled spiritual medium who was able to receive channeled information to write the Aquarian Gospel and discover what the young Jesus actually did achieve during his Missing Years.

Alan Jacobs has made a lifelong study of mysticism and is a regularly published author and poet. He lives in London and spends every December at an ashram in India.

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