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The Art of the Natural Home : A Room-by-Room Guide - Rebecca Sullivan

The Art of the Natural Home

A Room-by-Room Guide

By: Rebecca Sullivan

Paperback | 1 May 2017 | Edition Number 1

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This book is perfect for those interested in sustainability, natural products and mindfulness.

It’s all about taking the time to create your own homemade products, from facemasks to floor polish and from medicinal honey to massage oil. Taking inspiration from her grandmother’s generation, Rebecca Sullivan has put together this thoughtful and appealing manual to caring for yourself and your home. Traditional methods are resurrected or updated to suit the modern home, using simple, natural ingredients.

The first part of the book is dedicated to the Home, and covers cleaning products for every room, ideas for pickles and preserves, and tips on everything from natural laundry treatments to how to grow your own cocktail garden. The second part covers Health & Beauty, and includes bath salts, make up, serums, perfumes and even beard oil, as well as healing remedies such as burn salves and herbal teas. This inspiring guide is a must for anyone interested in living a simpler, more purposeful life.

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