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The Butterfly Effect : A Positive New Approach to Raising Happy, Confident Teen Girls - Dannielle Miller

The Butterfly Effect

A Positive New Approach to Raising Happy, Confident Teen Girls

By: Dannielle Miller

Paperback | 1 September 2009 | Edition Number 1

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The Butterfly Effect aims to inspire parents to create their own new realities for their daughters.

Talking to multitudes of girls every year in Australia and New Zealand, Dannielle Miller's message is authentic and passionate, and her book both celebrates and challenges the joy and beauty of teen girls in an age of raunch and consumer culture.

The Butterfly Effect offers practical, intuitive and powerful strategies, and uses humour to disarm and open up new ways of looking at self-esteem, resilience, body image, friendship, consumerism, navigating the online world, overcoming girls' fear of failure and finding positive role models.

Dannielle writes primarily for the mothers of teenage girls, encouraging them to realise that they are more like their daughters than they think and they can help their daughters by helping themselves, too.

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