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The Complete Book of Fruit Growing in Australia  :  Over 200 Temperate and Subtropical Fruits, Nuts and Berries to Grow in Gardens, Farms or Orchards - Louis Glowinski

The Complete Book of Fruit Growing in Australia

Over 200 Temperate and Subtropical Fruits, Nuts and Berries to Grow in Gardens, Farms or Orchards

By: Louis Glowinski

Paperback | 15 December 2008 | Edition Number 1

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Over 350 pages of practical advice, with more than 250 photographs and illustrations in colour and black and white of more than 200 fruits, nuts and berries. Contains snippets of folklore, history, quirky hints and culinary tips.

About The Author

Louis Glowinkski came to Melbourne when he was four. Emerging some two decades later with a medical degree from Melbourne University, he joined a busy family medical practice in the western suburbs. The rejuvenation of a neglected backyard orchard in his Caulfield home sparked his interest in, or more correctly obsession with, growing fruit, nuts and berries - including many unusual and tropical and semi-tropical plants.

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