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The Content Planner : A Complete Guide to Organize and Share Your Ideas Online - Angela Crocker

The Content Planner

A Complete Guide to Organize and Share Your Ideas Online

By: Angela Crocker

Paperback | 7 February 2017 | Edition Number 1

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The Content Planner helps business writers plan, create and publish content to a website. Readers know the importance of publishing frequent, unique content to their blog but they struggle to take action.

Some are overwhelmed at the prospect of brainstorming topics to write about let alone writing and publishing the content. Others are unable to organize their ideas into a viable publishing schedule and end up publishing nothing. By using an editorial calendar to plan a month of online content in advance, each business will: - save time
- build relationships with customers
- write more professionally
- share content consistent with the brand
- better serve their customers and potential customers

The Content Planner provides a structure that focuses each business on the types of content that support their business objectives. The process also formalizes their plans in a “pen on paper? calendar to use as a work plan. By knowing what to write about and when, the writers can take timely action.

About the Author

Angela Crocker is a writer, a teacher and an information organizer. Trained as both a business writer and a technical writer, Angela draws on her twenty years of business experience in marketing, fundraising, entrepreneurship, leadership and business communication. Angela was recognized as a finalist for the Self-Employment Entrepreneur of the Year Award in 2011. An accomplished teacher, Angela has created and presented numerous college-level courses, custom workshops and one-on-one tutorials. The Content Planner is her third book.

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