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The Damage Done : Twelve Years of Hell in a Bangkok Prison - Warren Fellows

The Damage Done

Twelve Years of Hell in a Bangkok Prison

By: Warren Fellows

Paperback | 1 September 2013 | Edition Number 1

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In 1978 Warren Fellows, Paul Hayward and William Sinclair were convicted of heroin trafficking between Thailand and Australia. They were sentenced to life imprisonment in Bangkok's notorious Bang Kwang men's prison, the Bangkok Hilton.

It was the beginning of twelve years of hell for Warren Fellows. He has never spoken of those years to anyone. Until now.

The Damage Done takes you behind the bars of a Bangkok prison. A place where sewer rats and cockroaches are the only nutritious food, where autocratic prison guards giggle as they deliver pulverising blows and where the worst punishment by far is the khun deo – solitary confinement, Thai style.

Brutally honest and repentant of his initial crime, Warren talks about the decade of his life he lost in leg irons. The Damage Done is a brave and compelling book that poses harrowing questions on the nature of justice.

About the Author

Warren Fellows has been a free man since his return from Thailand in 1989. He lives in Sydney, Australia, with his mother.

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