The Eschatologist - Greg Chapman

The Eschatologist

By: Greg Chapman

Paperback | 1 February 2016

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David Brewer is trying to keep his family alive in a world torn asunder by a Biblical apocalypse. Yet there is salvation, in the guise of a stranger who offers survivors sanctuary. All they have to do is declare their faith in God's final - and bloody - plan. "Madness and murder and miracles all abound in The Eschatologist. Reminiscent of Barker's early work, the end of the world has never been so bleak." -Tim Marquitz, author of the Demon Squad "Greg Chapman introduces us to the enigmatic figure of Amos in a post-apocalyptic landscape every bit as evocative as King's Midworld. Here, the domestic aspect is strong ... as a small family of memorable characters battles the blasted landscape and a prophet. A great premise all rendered in Chapman's signature prose." - Matthew Tait, author of Davey Ribbon.

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