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The Evidence, However, Is Clear : The Seroxat Scandal - Bob Fiddaman

The Evidence, However, Is Clear

The Seroxat Scandal

By: Bob Fiddaman

Paperback | 1 March 2011

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Bob Fiddaman was prescribed Seroxat due to depression that was, in essence, due to work related problems. What followed was a journey that took him through a tapering process of, what he believes to be, a highly addictive antidepressant. Following almost two years of withdrawal, Fiddaman's new battle with the manufacturer of the drug, GlaxoSmithKline and the UK's medicine regulator, the MHRA, took him on a more frustrating journey than he ever could have imagined. The name Bob Fiddaman has become synonymous throughout cyberspace. Google his name and you will find articles he has written, many of which have been republished by a vast army of fellow patient advocates. In his debut book, Fiddaman takes the bull by the horns and pulls no punches. Doctor's and patients alike will find Fiddaman's journey both tragic and informative, in particular the current stance of the UK regulator with regard to pregnancy and antidepressants. It may also make you stop and seriously reconsider the safety and efficacy of the medications you take.

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