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The Fictional Woman  - Tara Moss

The Fictional Woman

By: Tara Moss

Paperback | 1 June 2014

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Booktopia Comments
John Purcell: I am reading this book now. It is much more than a memoir, Tara takes on the many issues facing women today. From equality in the workplace to motherhood, from the place of advertising in our lives today to the way we tell each other stories, this is a book which needs to be read by men and women. Well written, clearly argued, informative, powerful and thought provoking. Forget everything you thought you knew about Tara Moss, with The Fictional Woman, Tara sets the record straight and takes her place as one of our generations great commentators.

Read Caroline Baum's Review

Tara Moss is many things, but shy is not one of them. Immensely articulate, she wields her always forthright words and awesome physical presence with unique force. Many have chosen to underestimate her, dismissing her as a writer of pulp fiction. They do so at their peril. Impressive media appearances on shows like Q and A have helped reduce that prejudice, but it lingered until she took on social media, became controller of her own message and championed unpopular causes with admirable fearlessness and tough resolve. This book, part memoir, part manifesto, catapults her into the frontline as a public commentator who demands serious attention. She is a welcome addition to any conversation about social justice, public ethics and the objectification of women, about which she knows a great deal. While her fictional character, private detective Mak Vanderwall may kick ass, Tara Moss is a far more redoubtable opponent.
Product Description

The no.1 bestselling non-fiction hit! Tara Moss's first work of non-fiction - a fascinating mix of memoir and social comment - is sparking conversation all over the country. What are your fictions?

tara Moss has worn many labels in her time, including 'author', 'model', 'gold-digger', 'commentator', 'inspiration', 'dumb blonde', 'feminist' and 'mother', among many others. Now, in her first work of non-fiction, she blends memoir and social analysis to examine the common fictions about women. She traces key moments in her life - from small-town tomboy in Canada, to international fashion model in the 90s, to bestselling author taking a polygraph test in 2002 to prove she writes her own work - and weaves her own experiences into a broader look at everyday sexism and issues surrounding the under-representation of women, modern motherhood, body image and the portrayal of women in politics, entertainment, advertising and the media. Deeply personal and revealing, this is more than just tara Moss's own story. At once insightful, challenging and entertaining, she asks how we can change the old fictions, one woman at a time.

'this book, part memoir, part manifesto, catapults [tara] into the frontline as a public commentator who demands serious attention. She is a welcome addition to any conversation about social justice, public ethics and the objectification of women, about which she knows a great deal.' Caroline Baum
'a nimbly argued, statistic-laden exploration of the various labels we give women and the impact this has on their lives' Catherine Keenan, ABC the Drum
'hits its mark with sharp-shooting precision ... Moss' skill is in marshalling the evidence and communicating it in a way that is accessible, warm, open, lucid and passionate ... Moss is a serious thinker' Dr Clare Wright, the Age
'An engaging mix of personal observation and well-structured argument and reasoning ... one of the most accessible texts on the subject of contemporary feminism, and I have been recommending to everyone I know, both women and men.' Good Reading
'this is a book which needs to be read by men and women. Well written, clearly argued, informative, powerful and thought provoking. Forget everything you thought you knew about tara Moss, with the Fictional Woman, tara sets the record straight and takes her place as one of our generations great commentators.' John Purcell, Booktopia
'the most insightful book about women since the Feminine Mystique' Eve Mahlab, AO

'this book will rejuvenate the feminist in you and make you proud to be one.' Professor Hannah Dahlen, Midwifery Matters