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The Five Ancestors : Crane : Kung Fu Masters Are Fighting Back! Book #4 - Jeff Stone

The Five Ancestors : Crane

Kung Fu Masters Are Fighting Back! Book #4

By: Jeff Stone

Paperback | 18 October 2007 | Edition Number 1

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Drugged, wounded and near death. With an enormous price on her head... And that's just for starters!

In this exciting fourth instalment Hok, the Crane-style master is reunited with her mother after a struggle with the dreaded General Tsung, another renegade warrior who tries to frame her for the destruction of the Shaolin Temple.

She is briefly reunited with her brothers, only to be drawn along with Seh into the dangerous underworld while attempting to save Fu and Malao from death.

Ying offers his help but can she trust that he has changed his vengeful ways?

About the Author

Jeff Stone lives in the Midwest with his wife and two children and practises the martial arts daily. He has worked as a photographer, an editor, a maintenance man, a technical writer, a ballroom dance instructor, a concert promoter, and a marketing director for companies that design schools, libraries, and skateboard parks.

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