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The Gatekeepers of Galatas : The Untold Story - Brian Taaffe

The Gatekeepers of Galatas

The Untold Story

By: Brian Taaffe, Jeannie Campbell

Paperback | 1 May 2007

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The Gatekeepers of Galatas takes you to ancient villages in Greece, high in the mountains and then modern cities - hopping on and off trains and buses, walking in the countryside or climbing rocky mountain paths. You visit ancient ruins, discover the Meteora monasteries and walk the streets of the old Turkish city of Thessaloniki.

Then next you are in the old Venetian harbour city of Hania in Crete, sitting in a pleasant taverna just meters from the rippling sea, old fishing boats bobbing in the sun: a scene from yesteryear. You mix with locals, and taxi drivers; as Taaffe drinks the local variety of vino or downs a customary raki with his Greek Salad, and all the while you experience an extraordinary closeness to him as he goes through the emotional roller-coaster of this journey, with a style of writing that has you right there with him.