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The Golden Revolution : How to Prepare for the Coming Global Gold Standard - John Butler

The Golden Revolution

How to Prepare for the Coming Global Gold Standard

By: John Butler

Hardcover | 10 April 2012 | Edition Number 1

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Why the gold standard is due for a comeback

A reserve currency can only function as such if there is a general consensus that it provides a stable store of value. Without this trust, money, no matter what form it takes, will be abandoned?either suddenly in a crisis, or gradually over time?in favor of something else. The Golden Revolution looks at how the world is rapidly moving toward some form of global metallic standard, in which money, at least in official, international transactions, is linked directly to gold, silver, or both.

The practical reality of the transition to the coming global gold (or bimetallic) standard is going to be substantially different from the global fiat monetary and financial regime of today. It is not just money that is going to change. The nature and business of banking will also be affected, as will finance in general.

  • Incisive and thoughtful, The Golden Revolution is a treatise on the broad effects of the current and future monetary structure
  • Looks at why the world is headed inexorably back towards a metallic money standard
  • Explores what the transition period might look like, including some historical examples of both orderly and disorderly transitions
  • Examines how the world of banking, finance, and investment, including asset valuation and portfolio management techniques, will work under a future gold standard and which industries, countries and markets are likely to benefit and which are likely to suffer

Full of advice on how investors can profit and protect themselves during this critical time of change, the book knows that those who are prepared will prosper, while those who won't stand to lose it all.

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