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The Healthy Life - Jessica Sepel

The Healthy Life

By: Jessica Sepel

Paperback | 1 August 2015

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Jessica Sepel, a young Sydney-based nutritionist, is following in the footsteps of health bloggers such as Lee Holmes, Lola Berry and Sarah Wilson. Jessica is a trained nutritionist with a burgeoning private practice and a hugely popular health blog. Her philosophy is simple: good health starts in the kitchen. Her focus is on fresh produce, prepared simply and with love. Her work with girls and young women has taught her that the common practice of counting calories and restricting food groups is counterproductive to a healthy relationship with food. Her message is 'get healthy' rather than 'lose weight'.

The Healthy Life is fully photographed, and has 100 recipes, meal plans, and a kind approach to creating better health and stress-free living.

About the Author

Jessica Sepel is a qualified nutritionist with a Bachelor of Science, health blogger and wellness coach.

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