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The Latte Years : A Story of Losses, Gains and Life Beyond the After Photo - Philippa Moore

The Latte Years

A Story of Losses, Gains and Life Beyond the After Photo

By: Philippa Moore

Paperback | 4 January 2016

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The Latte Yearsis the brave story of a life restarted, of the battles still to be won once the 'after' photo has been taken. Told with humour, insight and a great deal of coffee, it shows that we have the power to change anything, and inspires us to live our best, most authentic life.

At twenty-four Philippa Moore is overweight, unhappily married, and still living in her hometown of Hobart, Tasmania. After a wake-up call in a department-store changing room, Phil suddenly realises that she is on the wrong path. With determination she starts to shed the kilos, and makes a confronting discovery- she is in charge of her own life.
Starting over again in Melbourne, she launches an award-winning health and fitness blog, Skinny Latte, and finds the courage to leave her marriage. She then sets out on an international odyssey, travelling the length and breadth of North America and throwing herself into every new experience she encounters. An intuitive friend predicts that true love is in her future but, still scarred from her failed relationship, she can scarcely bring herself to believe it. When she arrives in London, though, she finds the life she has always been looking for, coming to realise that excuses for not doing the things you dream of doing are just that- excuses.
The Latte Years is the brave story of a life restarted, of the battles still to be won once the 'after' photo has been taken. Told with humour, insight and a great deal of coffee, it shows that we have the power to change anything, and inspires us to live our best, most authentic life.

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