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The Law Handbook : Your Practical Guide to the Law in New South Wales - Redfern Legal Centre Publishing

The Law Handbook

Your Practical Guide to the Law in New South Wales

By: Redfern Legal Centre Publishing

Paperback | 1 July 2009 | Edition Number 11

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Are you facing a legal problem? What are your rights? The Law Handbook is the plain English guide to the law in New South Wales. The Law Handbook: Your Practical Guide to the Law in NSW contains 45 chapters written by over 90 lawyers and legal experts. It has been built upon and updated for 25 years by over 300 contributors. This is the best plain-English guide to the law in New South Wales. The Handbook contains just about everything you need to know about the law - including where to go if you need help or more information. Every chapter contains a comprehensive list of related organisations, publications and websites. This 11th edition has been comprehensively revised and brought right up to date - incorporating the recent substantial changes to workplace relations, social security laws and de facto relationships. It will be an indispensable first reference for anyone with a legal question.

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